About Me
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Table of Contents
Experience #
2017/07 ~ Present, Senior Engineering Manager: As Engineering Manager of the TiDB SQL Team, responsible for the quality and improvement of the SQL layer (like session and privilege management, DDL, charset & collation, query optimizer, distributed execution, etc.), organization development, and the growth of the TiDB community.
2015/07 ~ 2017/07, Development Engineer: Develop and optimize the Runtime component of Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute, including but not limited to SQL execution, query optimization, distributed computing framework.
Talks #
- 2020/12/27, Beijing, 开放原子开源基金会, “How to build up TiDB community”
- 2020/07/29, Beijing, PingCAP Infra Meetup, “Horoscope and TiDB Query Optimizer”
- 2019/12/15, Shenzhen, OSC 源创会年终盛典, “TiDB 的架构设计与演进 - HTAP 之路”
- 2019/12/04, Beijing, GitHub 中国见面会, “TiDB and Open Source Community”
- 2019/05/29, Austin, Percona Live 2019, “Deep Dive into the TiDB SQL Layer”
- 2019/03/16, Beijing, Druid 中国用户组第 6 次 Meetup, “TiDB SQL Optimizer”
- 2018/12/22, Shanghai, PingCAP Infra Meetup, “An Introduction To TiDB SQL Layer”
- 2018/12/08, Beijing, ACMUG 2018 年会, “An Introduction To TiDB SQL Layer”
- 2018/10/20, Beijing, 掘金 && 饿了么技术沙龙, “Deep Dive Into TiDB SQL Layer”
- 2018/02/03, Beijing, PingCAP Infra Meetup No.63, “深入了解 TiDB 新执行框架”
- 2017/09/16, Beijing, PingCAP Infra Meetup No.56, “MonetDB/X100: Hyper-Pipelining Query Execution”
Contact Me #
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/zhangjian1012
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhangjian1012/
- Github: https://github.com/zz-jason
- Email(base64): empzYXJpZWxAZ21haWwuY29t